Charging your electric car will cost far less than buying fuel

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With much talk about electrifying America’s favorite form of transportation, many figures have been flying for the cost of charging an electric car’s battery.  The economic cost will be around $1.50 per 100 miles, far less than a gasoline-powered contemporary. 

The carbon cost of such a recharge?  That is up for debate.  The method of providing the electricity is where the CO2 is emitted in the charging process.  With most of the nation’s power coming from coal-fired powerplants, increased consumption of electricity raises some concern.  Back of the envelope calculations show that CO2 emissions per mile for an electric vehicle, when relying on coal-fired electricity, would be about a third of a gasoline-powered vehicle.  Electricity seems like a win on both fronts, however imperical data does not exist for a large fleet of electric vehicles, as they are only in their formative years.

Check out the article on economic costs of recharging at

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